‘I should have known better’: Justin Trudeau apologizes for wearing ‘brownface’ at 2001 costume party | National Post

Time magazine posted the photo, which it said was published in a yearbook from a Vancouver private school where Trudeau worked as a teacher
— Read on nationalpost.com/news/yearbook-photo-surfaces-of-trudeau-wearing-brownface-costume-in-2001

‘Not a game-changer’: Why the Liberal plan for first-time homebuyers isn’t a cure-all

The current version is widely criticized for its $480,000 cap as it isn’t enough to cover a home in Toronto, Vancouver, or Victoria. The new version helps buyers get a foot in the door in those markets by including properties worth up to $750,000.
— Read on ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/not-a-gamechanger-why-the-liberal-plan-for-firsttime-homebuyers-isnt-a-cureall-184959972.html

Liberals target NDP seats in opening phase of election campaign | CBC News

Justin Trudeau is campaigning against a return to the Stephen Harper era – but he knows the path to victory goes through NDP ridings, and that’s where he spent the opening days of the campaign.
— Read on www.cbc.ca/news/politics/liberal-ndp-ridings-target-1.5283650

SNC-Lavalin affair shows, once again, no election plan can prepare for all events | CBC News

Political campaigns do not occur within hermetically sealed containers and elections are never perfectly simple comparisons of leaders and platforms. Events intervene. Things come up. Choices become complicated.
— Read on www.cbc.ca/news/politics/election-snc-lavalin-campaign-1.5280298

Rex Murphy: Why don’t the Liberals just declare the Trans Mountain charade over?

Were you to suppose that the purpose of current national energy policy was to chase Alberta out of Confederation (with a big knotty stick), you would have hit up a dismayingly plausible, perhaps the only plausible, explanation for the remorseless stream of blunders, stumbles, harassments, blockades, protests and court rulings that have constituted said “policy” over recent years. Certainly more plausible than anything that has escaped the lips…
— Read on www.msn.com/en-ca/news/politics/rex-murphy-why-dont-the-liberals-just-declare-the-trans-mountain-charade-over/ar-AAGULX1

Why Justin Trudeau’s main foe in 2019 is the Justin Trudeau of 2015 | CBC News

It’s a truism that governments defeat themselves. Justin Trudeau, whose Liberal Party came to power with a massive list of promises, also has to cope with the gulf between his rhetoric and actions – and the cynicism it breeds.
— Read on www.cbc.ca/news/politics/justin-trudeau-2019-election-andrew-scheer-1.5252988