Japan’s Abe unveils ‘massive’ coronavirus stimulus worth 20% of GDP – Reuters

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe pledged on Monday to roll out an unprecedented economic stimulus package, equal to 20% of economic output, as his government vowed to take “all steps” to battle deepening fallout from the coronavirus.
— Read on www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-japan-stimulus/japans-abe-unveils-massive-coronavirus-stimulus-worth-20-of-gdp-idUSKBN21O0LC

Running out of beds and gear, Tokyo medical staff say Japan’s ‘state of emergency’ already here – Reuters

As Japan faces a fresh wave of coronavirus infections and the government prepares for a state of emergency, medical staff say a shortage of beds and a rise in cases linked to hospitals are pushing Tokyo’s medical system to the brink of collapse.
— Read on www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-japan-hospitals-in/running-out-of-beds-and-gear-tokyo-medical-staff-say-japans-state-of-emergency-already-here-idUSKBN21O0K4