NBC/WSJ poll: Sanders leads by double digits as Biden sinks, Bloomberg rises

Bernie Sanders has opened up a double-digit lead nationally over his closest rivals in the Democratic presidential primary, where Michael Bloomberg’s rise has scrambled the race.
— Read on www.cnbc.com/2020/02/18/nbcwsj-poll-sanders-leads-by-double-digits-as-biden-sinks-bloomberg-rises.html

As 2020 race heats up, growing worries Warren and Sanders will split leftist vote – Reuters

At rallies at the Iowa State Fair last week, 2020 White House contenders Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders drew raucous crowds who chanted their names, waved signs and cheered at their every pledge.
— Read on www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-iowa-progressives-analys/as-2020-race-heats-up-growing-worries-warren-and-sanders-will-split-leftist-vote-idUSKCN1V30TK