Will Quebec’s Bill 21 factor into the federal election? | CBC Radio

This week on The House, three Quebec MPs join us to debate the province’s controversial religious symbols legislation. We wade into the week’s drama between the Greens and NDP in New Brunswick. Finally, Jean Charest talks about the appointment of a new ambassador to China.
— Read on www.cbc.ca/radio/thehouse/will-quebec-s-bill-21-factor-into-the-federal-election-1.5274072

Trudeau’s oil pipeline tarnishes his climate credentials ahead of Canadian election – Reuters

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has cast himself as a champion in the fight against climate change while pushing to expand an oil pipeline to help struggling producers, a contradiction that may hurt his re-election bid next month.
— Read on www.reuters.com/article/us-canada-election-energy/trudeaus-oil-pipeline-tarnishes-his-climate-credentials-ahead-of-canadian-election-idUSKCN1VR0E1

British PM Johnson kicks off election campaign as parliament blocks no-deal Brexit – Reuters

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson was on Thursday kicking off what is in effect an election campaign, casting an alliance of opposition parties trying to block a ‘no-deal’ Brexit as defeatists surrendering to the European Union.
— Read on www.reuters.com/article/us-britain-eu/british-pm-johnson-kicks-off-election-campaign-as-parliament-blocks-no-deal-brexit-idUSKCN1VQ14U

Conservative Party first to nominate a full slate of candidates ahead of fall election | CBC News

The Conservative Party became the first among the major parties Tuesday to nominate a full slate of 338 candidates ahead of the fall federal election.
— Read on www.cbc.ca/news/politics/conservative-party-nominate-candidates-1.5269201

Canada Votes 2019: CBC News covers the election like never before | CBC News

CBC News is launching its 2019 federal election coverage today. For the next two months, we aim to bring you election-related journalism on air and online that is as broad and exciting as the country we serve.
— Read on www.cbc.ca/news/editorsblog/canada-votes-2019-cbc-news-covers-the-election-like-never-before-1.5266247

Trudeau’s Homebuyer Plan Offers Little Solace in Pricey Markets – Bloomberg

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau wants to make housing more affordable for first-time buyers. His efforts may be of little help to people in the country’s priciest cities.
— Read on www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-09-02/trudeau-s-homebuyer-plan-offers-little-solace-in-pricey-markets