338Canada: A Day 1 vote projection shows a Liberal lead and a new NDP low

Philippe J. Fournier: A flurry of new polls are out to mark the start of the federal election campaign. They put the Liberals one seat shy of a majority.
— Read on www.msn.com/en-ca/news/elections/338canada-a-day-1-vote-projection-shows-a-liberal-lead-and-a-new-ndp-low/ar-AAH9ZHr

Warren rises as solid Democratic option behind Biden, Sanders: Reuters/Ipsos poll – Reuters

Support for U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren rose more than that of any other Democratic presidential hopeful over the past month, according to the Reuters/Ipsos poll, solidifying her status as a top contender behind Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders.
— Read on www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-poll/warren-rises-as-solid-democratic-option-behind-biden-sanders-reuters-ipsos-poll-idUSKCN1VW1FF

Two federal party leaders coming in London pre-election | The London Free Press

Although the upcoming federal election campaign hasn’t officially started, the political push is already gearing up in the Forest City, with two party leaders set to visit London Tuesday.
— Read on lfpress.com/news/local-news/two-federal-party-leaders-coming-in-london-pre-election

Rex Murphy: Why don’t the Liberals just declare the Trans Mountain charade over?

Were you to suppose that the purpose of current national energy policy was to chase Alberta out of Confederation (with a big knotty stick), you would have hit up a dismayingly plausible, perhaps the only plausible, explanation for the remorseless stream of blunders, stumbles, harassments, blockades, protests and court rulings that have constituted said “policy” over recent years. Certainly more plausible than anything that has escaped the lips…
— Read on www.msn.com/en-ca/news/politics/rex-murphy-why-dont-the-liberals-just-declare-the-trans-mountain-charade-over/ar-AAGULX1

Why Justin Trudeau’s main foe in 2019 is the Justin Trudeau of 2015 | CBC News

It’s a truism that governments defeat themselves. Justin Trudeau, whose Liberal Party came to power with a massive list of promises, also has to cope with the gulf between his rhetoric and actions – and the cynicism it breeds.
— Read on www.cbc.ca/news/politics/justin-trudeau-2019-election-andrew-scheer-1.5252988