Rival Italian Parties Given Until Tuesday to Form New Coalition

(Bloomberg) — Italy’s center-left Democrats have until Tuesday to form a coalition with their long-time rivals, the anti-establishment Five Star Movement, after President Sergio Mattarella gave them more time to put together a new parliamentary majority.As head of state, Mattarella holds the power to
— Read on ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/italian-president-gives-key-parties-183054810.html

Faithless elector: A court ruling just changed how we pick our president

The decision could give a single elector the power to decide the outcome of a presidential election — if the popular vote results in an apparent Electoral College tie.
— Read on www.msn.com/en-ca/news/newspolitics/faithless-elector-a-court-ruling-just-changed-how-we-pick-our-president/ar-AAG9vBs

How new elections in Italy, with Salvini or M5S in power could be good

Markets pay particular attention to Italy’s spending, given its public debt pile. This stands at above 130% of its growth rate, one of the highest in the world.
— Read on www.cnbc.com/2019/08/22/how-new-elections-in-italy-with-salvini-or-m5s-in-power-could-be-good.html

Andrew Scheer promises to make EI maternity, parental benefits tax-free | CBC News

Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer says that, if his party forms the next federal government, he’ll make Employment Insurance (EI) benefits for new parents tax-free to ease the cost of raising a child in Canada.
— Read on www.cbc.ca/news/politics/andrew-scheer-ei-benefits-tax-free-1.5253218

What 35,000 political ads on Facebook reveal about Canada’s election-year message battle | CBC News

We are still two months from the federal election, but industry groups, partisan advocates and unions have been busy spending big money on highly targeted Facebook ads to push their agenda.
— Read on www.cbc.ca/news/politics/facebook-political-ads-canadian-federal-election-1.5246710

ANALYSIS: For Trudeau and the Liberals, a tie in the polls is as good as a win

Even though Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was found to have broken the Conflict of Interest Act (again), voter intention numbers have hardly budged.
— Read on www.msn.com/en-ca/news/elections/analysis-for-trudeau-and-the-liberals-a-tie-in-the-polls-is-as-good-as-a-win/ar-AAG42iU